University student wins Hyphen drawing award for wellness centre design

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We are delighted to announce that Francesca Ophelia Morris has been awarded the 2024 Chris Henderson Drawing Prize!

Established in 2016, this award honours the legacy of one of Hyphen founders, Chris Henderson, and celebrates excellence in draughtsmanship among architecture students. It is presented annually in partnership with the University of Portsmouth and includes a £500 prize. Winning entries can feature both hand-drawn and hybrid drawings to show the connection between creative thought and communication.

Francesca’s project, La Guarigione Dell’acqua (The Healing of Water), is a wellness centre design that promotes hydropathy and hydrotherapy in the Dolomites, Italy. Francesca used both hand-drawn and digital techniques to deliver a sensory experience of the building and bring attention to the natural environment.

Hyphen architects Ian Henderson and Charlotte Simpson-Munro recently presented Francesca with her award at the University’s School of Architecture.

Ian commented, “Most of what we do as architects is about communication and drawing is key to that. When reviewing Francesca’s work, I thought she utilised both hand-drawn and computer-aided drawing very effectively to communicate her ideas. Her work stood out this year as it was very clear what she was trying to achieve with the project.”

At Hyphen, we are proud to support and inspire the next generation of architectural professionals through this award. Congratulations once again to Francesca on her achievement!

Watch our interview with Ian and Francesca to find out more:

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