Hyphen is the first architectural practice to have training accredited by the ILM


This week is International Leadership Week and at Hyphen we have taken the opportunity to reflect on our Training and Development Strategy which promotes 2023 as the “Year of Training” across our company.

One of the initiatives that we have introduced this year with the support from the Institute of Leadership and Management is our Leadership Development Programme. We are proud that we are the first architectural company in the world to have their Leadership Development Programme independently approved and accredited by the Institute and we are already seeing the benefits of this programme.

The focus of our Leadership Development Programme this year is on discovering our individual strengths. We are looking forward to working with our senior management teams to discover what strengths they bring to their own leadership style, the value of recognising other people’s strengths and how they can influence and inspire their teams.

Eva Diego, Hyphen director in Spain, says, “For me, as an architect whose career has evolved into business and leadership, it’s great to have this training and get into a leadership mindset. Architectural firms here in Spain don’t typically pay for staff training, so being able to offer colleagues training to progress in their careers helps us to stand out from other employers.”

One of our company values is “we embrace the future today” and to support this, we aim to provide training for every person in every role. When we consider how we apply this to the development of leadership skills, it is about more than learning technical skills and effective management processes. Great leadership is about people.

We have a responsibility to give greater focus and investment in our people so that we are building a legacy. Not only for the development of individuals, but so they can grow with the company and be strong advocates for building the skills and talents of the next generation of Hyphen.

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