Location: England

  • Hyphen director discusses data centre delivery in expert roundtable

    Hyphen director discusses data centre delivery in expert roundtable

    We were delighted to recently take part in an expert roundtable discussion on data centres in London, hosted by Jubb and Building Magazine. Hyphen director, Muhammad Khan, was invited alongside a dozen other industry leaders to discuss the critical factors in de-risking data centre delivery. We had an engaging discussion on delivering optimum stakeholder value,…

  • From Santiago to Winchester: cross-office data centre collaboration

    From Santiago to Winchester: cross-office data centre collaboration

    Collaboration is a key aspect of our Hyphen culture. As an international team spread across different continents, we know how to make the most out of teamwork, whether it’s face-to-face or screen-to-screen. Still, when our teams meet in person, it always leads to a special connection… Over the past couple of years, we’ve had several…

  • Architectural assistant

    Architectural assistant

    If you enjoy working in a collaborative and multicultural environment and are looking to advance your career, we’re looking for enthusiastic architectural assistants to join our growing international practice, in Winchester. We encourage all our employees to work at the highest standards of professionalism whilst being self-reliant and showing independence of thought. In return, we’ll…

  • Architect / technologist

    Architect / technologist

    If you enjoy working in a collaborative and multicultural environment and are looking to advance your career, we’re looking for experienced and enthusiastic architects and technologists to join our growing international practice, (recently ranked in the AJ100), in Winchester. We encourage all our employees to work at the highest standards of professionalism whilst being self-reliant and…

  • Taxonomie Übersetzung

  • Muhammad Khan tritt als Direktor bei Hyphen ein

    Muhammad Khan tritt als Direktor bei Hyphen ein

    Wir freuen uns, die Ernennung von Muhammad Khan bekannt zu geben, der mit Wirkung vom 15. April 2024 in den Vorstand berufen wurde. Muhammad wird hauptsächlich in London tätig sein und eng mit dem lokalen Team und den Direktoren Alan Cheyne und Wayne Taylor zusammenarbeiten. Als Spezialist für unternehmenskritische Aufgaben verfügt Muhammad über umfangreiche Erfahrung…

  • Muhammad Khan

    Muhammad Khan


  • England

    International Reach

  • Anamol Poudel

    Anamol Poudel

    BD manager, UK

  • England

    Building Permits