Matías Menichetti


Based in Santiago de Chile, Matias is an architect and business leader, overseeing Hyphen’s growth in Latin America, as a director at Hyphen. In the data centre sector he is a consultant on Latin American developments, advising hyperscale clients and helping them to navigate the overall strategic planning and design development process, from site selection, early concepts and masterplanning, through design development and permitting, to construction and beyond.

About Matías

Most interesting place?
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. It’s literally an oasis in the world’s driest desert, surrounded by amazing natural sights.

Favourite cheese?
Chanco Cheese (Chilean Cheese similar to gouda).

Favourite quote?
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

What do you like most about your job / working at Hyphen?
Architecture is like people, there is no one identical to the other. They might look similar at first, but every company, institution and client have their own particular needs and culture. Architecture should be able to respond to that uniqueness and fulfil projects’ special needs.

Who or what was the most important influence in your early career?
Carolina Perez, who showed me amazing leadership, knowledge and vision. She taught me the greatest asset you can possess is attitude.


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