Beatriz Morán Muñoz


Beatriz joined the company in 2010 and became an Associate in 2019.  She has played a key role in the growth and success of our Madrid office and has extensive experience delivering projects across many commercial sectors including retail, offices and logistics.

About Beatriz

Most interesting place
The Alhambra in Granada – due to its unique cultural identity.

Favourite cheese
Queixo do País, also known as “cheese from the land” (made in Galicia).

What do you like most about your job / working at Hyphen?
Being part of an international team and working on projects in various locations.

Who or what was the most important influence in your early career?
The lessons my family instilled in me: to observe the world around me, its architecture and design. They taught me the importance of having a keen eye for detail, and how travel can help you to appreciate different architectural styles.


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