
Il team locale con una portata globale

Ti piacerebbe lavorare con le migliori aziende riconosciute a livello mondiale su progetti architettonici internazionali con un team disponibile e dinamico? Perché questa è la vita di Hyphen. Tutto questo, oltre a un lavoro interessante e vario, un lavoro ibrido e una cultura aperta e inclusiva. Sei interessato? Dai un’occhiata ai nostri ruoli aperti.

Exposure and experience

  • Lavoriamo con clienti riconosciuti a livello mondiale.
  • Abbiamo un’ampia gamma di fasi di progetto, compresa una rapida progressione dall’ideazione al completamento.
  • L’esperienza sul campo ci aiuta a imparare.
  • La stretta collaborazione con i colleghi senior ci aiuta a progredire.

Inclusivity and respect

  • È un elemento centrale dei nostri valori: lavoriamo come un unico team Hyphen.
  • Non importa da dove vieni o quale sia il tuo background. Siamo consapevoli del valore che la diversità porta a noi e ai nostri clienti.
  • Le donne ricoprono il 42% dei nostri ruoli senior e monitoriamo costantemente il nostro divario retributivo di genere.
  • Costruiamo relazioni e ci divertiamo durante le regolari attività sociali, tra cui i picnic estivi e le feste di Natale.

Freedom and support

  • Crediamo nell’autonomia.
  • Il lavoro ibrido ci offre flessibilità.
  • I nostri team sono amichevoli e solidali.
  • Le opportunità di mentoring migliorano le nostre conoscenze e ci danno supporto sul lavoro.

Unisciti al team

Se pensi che Hyphen sia un luogo in cui puoi dare il tuo contributo migliore, essere orgoglioso dei tuoi risultati e vedere la tua carriera svilupparsi, ci piacerebbe sentirti. Trattiamo tutte le candidature con tempestività e possiamo offrire colloqui sia online che di persona. Candidati qui di seguito.

Seguici su Instagram per saperne di più…

Congratulations to our newest associates, Marta Redondo, Manuel López López and Beatriz Brieva de la Orden!

Elisa Frost, director in our Madrid office, says, “Marta, Manuel and Beatriz have many excellent qualities, as highly skilled architects, team players and leaders. They have driven their own career progression because of their enthusiasm, consistent approach to quality, and willingness to learn. They are key players to the team’s growth and outstanding ambassadors of Hyphen’s values."

We hope you will join us in wishing Marta, Manuel and Beatriz every success in their new roles.


#Closebutglobal #careerprogression #Madridarchitects #OneHyphen
Our tenth office opened one year ago, in Mexico City!

Under the leadership of Jimena Etchegaray, our office head, the team has quickly established itself as a reliable local partner for international clients.

On 10 July 2023, our Mexican team joined our wider international network of offices in Santiago, Madrid, Belfast, Monaghan, Winchester, London, Paris, Berlin and Milan.

Today we celebrate our first year in Mexico City and look forward to many more to come.

Read more:
We're in the AJ100 2024 at 51st position! 

This is our highest ever placing in Architects’ Journal's who's who list of the largest architectural practices operating in the UK.

Read more at:

#AJ100 #Architectsjournal #UKarchitects
Hyphen director, Muhammad Khan, shares two more data centre sector trends in our latest video.

Part two looks at #delivery and #sustainability. Watch this space for Muhammad’s fourth and fifth data centre sector trends. 

And don’t miss the chance to connect with Muhammad, this week, at BroadGroup's Datacloud Global Congress in Cannes.

 #Datacentre #datacentretrends #architecture
We’ve been discussing the latest trends in data centre architecture, so our director Muhammad Khan has put his top five into a short series of videos.

In part one, we look at design. Watch this space for parts two to five!

And don’t miss the chance to connect with Muhammad at next week’s Datacloud Global Congress in Cannes: 

#Datacentre #datacentretrends #architecture #CloseButGlobal
Our colleagues from Belfast, Berlin, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Santiago and Winchester recently came together for our annual business development and communications forum, this time in Lisbon.

Led by our own Paula Martínez Vila and Karen Howell, alongside Nicolas Mamier from brand consultancy Appetite and our director of business expansion, Eva Diego, it was a fantastic opportunity to discuss Hyphen’s future, exchange ideas and strengthen international collaboration.

Beyond the workshops, it was great to meet new members of our growing team over dinner and pastel de natas.

Thanks to everyone who made these two days a success!

#OneHyphen #CloseButGlobal #Learning #Future-facing
We're very busy attending data centre events at the moment...

This week, Eddie Miles, our CEO, and Eva Diego, our director of business expansion had the pleasure of attending the Gulf's flagship event for the data centre ecosystem, Data Center Nation, Dubai.

Check out our highlights reel with the key takeaways...

#datacenternation #DataCenterNationDubai #Datacentre
Collaboration is a key aspect of our Hyphen culture. As an international architectural team spread across different continents, we know how to make the most out of teamwork, whether it’s face-to-face or screen-to-screen.

Still, when our teams meet in person, it always leads to a special connection…

Over the past couple of years, we've had several colleagues from Chile coming over to the UK. At the moment, Javier Moya Ortiz, a senior architect from Santiago, is collaborating on a hyperscale data centre project with our UK team. He's working closely with Bill Cross, an associate in our Winchester office.

Watch our video interview with Javier and Bill where they talk about the benefits of Javier’s office exchange within Hyphen and the unique opportunities it offers…

Find out more about life at Hyphen at

#CloseButGlobal #CareerDevelopment #HyphenLife #DataCentres #RemoteWorking
We are pleased to be attending DCD Connect Madrid next week.

Eva Diego, Hyphen director in Iberia, will be taking part in an expert panel discussion on strategic data centre design, on the main stage from 15:45 – 16:30.

Scan the QR code at the end of this video to connect.

We hope to see you there!

#DCDConnectMadrid #DCDConnect #DataCenter #Hyphen DatacenterDynamics DatacenterDynamics (Español y Portugués)
We enjoyed connecting with @psa_drawing students at its employers evening on Friday.

Find out more about careers at Hyphen:

#Closebutglobal #Hyphenlife #architecture #students #portsmouth
Congratulations to Arjun Uppal and Rémi Pascal who have made their next step up in their careers at Hyphen.

Primarily based in our Paris office, Arjun has been promoted to associate, while Rémi steps up to the role of senior associate.


#careerdevelopment #HyphenLife #CelebrateSuccess
We are pleased to announce Hyphen's newest director in London, Muhammad Khan.

Alan Cheyne, managing director of Hyphen in the UK and Ireland, says, “Muhammad will be a superb addition to our team in London. He has many good qualities that will help us move our business forward, including a wealth of knowledge in critical infrastructure, business development and mentoring.”


#newdirector hashtag#Hyphenlife hashtag#Closebutglobal hashtag#london
Congratulations to Lucy Dewick-Tew, who has been promoted to head of technical standards, to lead our group-wide commitment to excellence. 

Alan Cheyne, managing director of Hyphen in the UK and Ireland, says “Lucy has been a long-term contributor to the success of Hyphen not only in her exceptional work delivered for Lush and many other leading clients, but also in the drive to improve what we do and how we do it.” 
Lucy will be working closely with all our teams in Europe and Latin America to ensure that we continue to reach the highest standards possible in everything that we do. 

As part of this commitment to best practice, Lucy has developed guidance for clients following amendments late last year to the Building Safety Act 2022. These amendments are in response to the Grenfell Tragedy of 2017 - to strongly regulate the construction of the built environment. 

Access our guidance for clients here:

#buildingsafetyact hashtag#technicalstandards hashtag#westandforexcellence
Introducing Anamol Poudel who recently joined us as business development manager in the UK!

Anamol has been busy the past couple of months, attending industry events and helping clients move forward with their international architectural projects.

Connect with Anamol (through his LinkedIn profile) to discuss business development opportunities in the UK or through our website:

#Hyphenlife #Closebutglobal #ArchitectureUK
Meet Jimena Etchegaray, Hyphen's office head in Mexico. 

Jimena is an architect based in Mexico City and is playing a key role in the development of our 10th international architectural office and business in Mexico.

Hyphen's office in Mexico, launched in 2023, is our first in the country and second in the Latin American region.

In this video, Jimena talks about Mexican working culture, our current work in Mexico and gives an insight into what inspires her.

#Closebutglobal #Mexico #MexicoCity #architectsinmexico
We’ve moved up one place in the #WorldArchitecture100 2024 shortlist of the largest practices in Latin America!

Ranking seventh, Hyphen has retained a spot in Building Design’s shortlist of the largest practices in South and Central America, based on fee income, after our first appearance at eighth in 2023.

Eddie Miles, CEO at Hyphen, says, “Last year Hyphen added a Mexico City office to complement our presence in Santiago, Chile, so it is interesting to see us as the 7th largest in the region. This is a testament to Matias Menichetti who has grown our Santiago office brilliantly over recent years as well as Jimena Etchegaray who established our 10th office in Mexico. The Latin American market has a huge variety of cultures, plenty of opportunities and as we have discovered, great people to work with. Buena suerte!”

#WA100 #Closebutglobal #WA1002024 #LatinAmerica
Hyphen is in the #Worldarchitecture100 top 10 list of practices working in the retail sector!

Compiled by Building Design., the WA100 2024 is a guide to the world’s largest architectural practices, which includes top 10 lists for each sector based on fee income over the past 12 months, as well as rankings by specialisms and geographic regions.

Eddie Miles, CEO at Hyphen, says, “Retail has always been important to us at Hyphen and to me on a personal level. I was planning my first store with the company in the 1990s and have seen first-hand how we have grown to become a market leader in the sector. Our work in retail has also given me the opportunity to publish Contemporary Retail Design - A Store Planner's Handbook and write the retail chapter of the Metric Handbook (seventh edition). 

"This success wouldn’t be possible without the contributions of Hyphen staff, and our industry and client partners.”


#Closebutglobal #Worldarchitecture100 #WA100 #Retail
2023 has been another successful year! Thank you to all our clients, collaborators, and colleagues for making this possible.

We’ve learned a lot and continued to grow.

Here's to more shared accomplishments and continuous learning in 2024!

#Closebutglobal #OneHyphen #Yearoflearning
Check out Hyphen’s 2023 edition of Tastes of Travel with festive recipes around the world:
[Link in bio]

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In Hyphen riconosciamo anche l’importanza di sviluppare i talenti potenziali e futuri e accogliamo con favore le candidature per stage, tirocini ed esperienze lavorative.

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